Which was played hard by four men who called themselves the BRA-GADE. Enzo was was the master mind behind this great group of men. Even if Matt got let lose early in the game. Matt was always in the game for himself in a way. Matt was filled with lies and it is a good thing he got only into the jury house. If he did make it to the end I wonder if he really would have won.
It was fun to see the BRA-GADE shirts the boys had.
Enzo really hoped the last week would be a fun week but it was a hard one for him.
Britney made it into the jury house and let them know about the BRA-GADE. They were all in shock. Especially Rachel not thinking they could come up with it on their own. But Rachel and Brendon were the ones that did not understand how they made it that far because they did not win much in the game. Well, they had their side alliances and if you have the votes to keep you in then you would stay in. If not you were out. But if you were part of the BRA-GADE then you would be just fine and safe.
Julie got a chance to talk to the boys before they started the last part of the game.
Asking Enzo if it was worth it to be away from his family and if he missed them. Enzo said it was a ruff time but wishes he would win the money and then it would all be good.
Hayden being the college boy he was just happy to be there until the end.
Lane will miss a lot about the house most of all that a guy who would call himself Meow Meow. Plus all of the great friends he made was the best part.
The jury gets a chance to talk game. In the jury house we have Rachel, Kathy, Matt, Brendon, Ragan, and Britney. They talk about the big alliance with the boys. Matt got kicked out of the BRA-GADE because he was close with Ragan. Matt said, he was the one who started up this alliance and that why it worked for awhile. Britney learned the lie that Matt came up with and she was thought it was horrible. Britney also thought that Rachel would be pregnant already. Loved that thought. Rachel thought the boys got lucky and just slide on by.
The jury talks more about the final three. That Enzo had played a great social game, and everyone liked him. Ragan thought that Hayden was the strongest player in the house. While Matt thought he played the best social game. Kathy thought that Hayden got dirty and busy and got things done. Ragan felt that Lane did not do much but got pushed to the end. Rachel thought that Lane was a power player and was smart.
It was time for the Final Game of HOH between Hayden and Lane. For the final game they had to answer A or B to a statement that a jury member would have answered. There were going to be six questions that need to be answered. Hayden and Lane both answered four right and got a tie between the two of them. It was time for the final question on the chalk board. Julie asked the boys during the "Rumble in the Jungle" competition how many times did Big Brother slam you into the walls?
Hayden guessed 91 times.
Lane guessed 55 times.
The answers was 200 and something.
Which means that Hayden won..
Yes, he won HOH three times.
He chose to take Lane to the final two.
Evicting Enzo.
Enzo said, it is ruff but he loved both of the guys like a brother and he was part of the BG. That was the best part for him.
Of course the jury had a few questions to ask the final two guys.
End the end both gave great speeches to the jury.
Final two Hayden and Lane
Then the votes got locked in and we got a chance to see Annie, Monet, Andrew, and Kristen.
Andrew let out another shocker for Hayden, Lane, and Enzo. Matt's lie which Hayden was kind of shocked, Lane thought he should have made it up about a dog not his wife, and Enzo kind of new he was a bit strange.
Kristen and Hayden may be a couple or just friends. Hayden will take her out for pizza/pie.
Rachel loves Vegas but Brendon more and will move to UCLA.
Britney is disgusted by this and thinks she should stay in Vegas. While Ragan thinks she would be a beatiful Bride.
Finally the last Saboteur was relieved and everyone was in shock it was Ragan.
Ragan was happy and said, Suckers, I won 2o thousand dollars.
Ready to see who won BIG BROTHER 12
Hayden wins 4-3
500,000 is what he wins..
Then American voted for the favorite house guest which was Britney to wins the 25,000
I heard that her house burned down not sure if this is a rumor or not.
I hope Britney and her family are okay.
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Thanks to Jen for having this wonderful blog.
Can't wait to see you guys next Summer..